Instruction: "Good day Student! This activity aims to test your knowledge on the procedures that must be followed in conducting a polygraph examination. You are required to perform every step correctly! Please follow the instructions below carefully."

You are required to perform the first step.

Now, let's proceed with the attachment of assemblies. Attach the 1st assembly.

Next, attach the 2nd assembly.

Attach the last assembly.

You've completed the attachment of assemblies. It's time to proceed with the adjustment of the instrument. Follow the on-screen instructions to start the test." Make the necessary adjustment on the instrument.

I will inflate the cuff using the pump bulb. Hold a sec... There, the cuff is now inflated with the required pressure. Can you see the tracings of the subject on the polygraph paper? Did it meet the sensitivity required? If not, make the necessary adjustment.

It seems that the pens are not aligned appropriately. What should you do?

Before questioning the subject, what should you do?

now we will begin the polygraphtest by question and answers, I will answer you as an examiner and you will respond to my question with yes or no, now lets begin the test!, Click the next button to Proceed.

Congratulations on successfully conducting the questioning! However, there's an essential step remaining to conclude the examination. Kindly proceed to the next stage.

After deflating the armcuff, what should you do?

You are about to complete the procedure. But first you need to set the sensitivity to zero.